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The long inlet that is Red Bay

From Wrangell, we headed west to Red Bay. It is a longer inlet, about 3.5 miles deep, where we anchored for a couple of days. It has a challenging entrance channel, curving this way and that around rocks and kelp. After carefully picking our way in during high water slack, we made our way to the anchorage at the back of the bay. We had mixed weather for the two nights we were there. We had one nice evening where we could eat dinner upstairs and the cats could play on the upper deck.

I didn’t think about it until we were there, but the longer inlets require a lot of water to move with the tide. So, we had a lot of current, water running by the boat while we were at anchor. I wondered what would happen if a cat fell off the boat here….would it be difficult to retrieve them? Fortunately we didn’t have to figure that out. 😊

After our lovely evening, we planned to head out the next day. We woke to lots of fog in the bay. When it started to lift we took off. Fortunately, we had our navigation tracks to follow on the way out. All the normal visual aides, rocks and islets, were hidden in the fog.

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